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Visited links should change colour once they have been clicked on. This helps users understand where they have been.
Users appear to like and use clearly and comprehensively labelled top tabs to help them navigate.
Users want to feel that they have accessed all the things that are of interest to them and that they haven’t missed anything that they might have wanted to see.
The back button is important. This is one reason that pop-up or new windows aren't great.
Not every use is familiar with web conventions, like logos acting as 'home' buttons.
When users click on a link they want to know where it is taking them to.
Users often don't realise that they can scroll down or across, so if content must be outside the immediate viewing area, provide an indication of its presence
There must be consistency amongst navigational tools between different parts of the site.
If a link consists of text and a picture then both of these have to be active
Not sure where to get started? Check out mashup resources. If you're a site owner, you can add your site if you think it'd be useful for participants.
'Cosmic Collections' is a public competition to create websites for the Science Museum's Cosmos and Culture exhibition. The data relating to the remarkable objects on display will be made open to the public so that competition entrants can 'mash it up', combining it with external resources and software to create new interfaces. This is a bold (and to be honest, slightly scary) experiment for the Science Museum - we're releasing our data and what happens next is completely up to you.
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