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One of the definitive lists of APIs and data sources, platform specific tips and related news. Or as they say, 'Keeping you up to date with APIs, mashups and the Web as platform'.
'Astrotagging is the celestial equivalent of geotagging. ... Thanks to Astrometry.net our astronomy photos have machine tags identifying celestial position, field of view and objects in each photo. Now, what can we do with these tags?'
RSS feed documentation - 'Search result listings from Collections Online and the archive catalogue are available as RSS feeds.'
Flickr badge 'hacked to use the NMM collections as a data source, rather than flickr. Try editting the query and pressing 'update' to change the results.'
'If you would like to make something interesting with our collection dataset you can download the latest version of our database as a zipped tab separated text file.'
Not sure where to get started? Check out mashup resources. If you're a site owner, you can add your site if you think it'd be useful for participants.
'Cosmic Collections' is a public competition to create websites for the Science Museum's Cosmos and Culture exhibition. The data relating to the remarkable objects on display will be made open to the public so that competition entrants can 'mash it up', combining it with external resources and software to create new interfaces. This is a bold (and to be honest, slightly scary) experiment for the Science Museum - we're releasing our data and what happens next is completely up to you.
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