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Saved by Mia
on November 26, 2009 at 3:00:46 pm

Cosmic Collections - the Cosmos and Culture website competition


Three days to go! How to submit an entry?


You don't have to make a complete site, just a section of a site. The idea is to create something that does one thing, and does it well. Read more in this blogpost. This might mean producing a mashup for one particular way of exploring the objects, or exploring a sub-set of the objects. It’d then be up to us to combine the winning mashups into a larger site that works for our audiences.


1. Check out the data here

2. Get some help:

Read our tips for entrants, check out these mashup resources, and get some info about our audiences. Check out the documentation and connect with other people who want to enter the competiton. You can also join the Google group or use the hashtag #coscultcom in conversations on Twitter.

3. Get inspired

Visit the exhibition and check out these videos about the exhibition

4. Get creative and get mashing!

5. Send us a link to your entry - make sure you read the submission details and criteria.


Email us by midnight on November 28 (GMT) – you don’t need to pre-register.


If you haven't quite completed your project, we'd rather see something imperfect and available than perfect and unavailable.  So if you've already put the work in, go ahead and email us.



On 24 the Science Museum launched a competition to release hundreds of stories from our recently opened Cosmos & Culture exhibition on to the web.  We're giving you the chance to make your own website with our objects - and we're offering £1000 prizes for the winning entries. 


Got some great ideas, but not sure how to turn them into a website? Sign up below to find some team mates.Log in (top right-hand corner) with username cosmonaut — password collections to edit this page.


The data relating to the remarkable objects on display has been made open to the public so that competition entrants can 'mash it up', combining it with external resources and software to create new interfaces. This is a bold experiment for the Science Museum - we're releasing our data and what happens next is completely up to you. Your challenge is to create brand new web interfaces for the objects - to shine a new light onto them and bring the stories behind them to life.  In the meantime, check out some of the videos about Cosmos & Culture exhibition and astronomy on youtube.


Who can enter?

You don't need to be in London to enter the competition - submission and judging take place online, and we'd love to see international entries. Collaboration and multi-disciplinary teams are encouraged - add your details below to find potential team mates.  


Contact us

If you want to get in contact, email us or tweet @coscultcom or with the hash tag #coscultcom.  The tag for images, video, blog posts, etc, for the competition and launch event is 'coscultcom'.


Looking for team mates?  Edit this wiki page to add your details here.


Log in (top right-hand corner) with username cosmonaut — password collections to edit this page.

We've made a public account so you can edit pages without having to sign up - use the details above to log in and add yourself to the list.


Your name, contact details Stuff I know lots about... I'd like to meet people who know about... Coming to the launch?
[Edit this page to add your name here e.g. Mia] [e.g. web developer with knowledge of museum audiences ] [e.g. designers, jQuery skills, astronomers] [yes/maybe/no]
Web design/UI, GNU/Linux, FLOSS, operating systems, computer hardware. the above and linked data. yes
Corinne Audience research or user experience; FOSS user perspective. Desktop publishing, design and website usability. Teaching andlearning. FOSS integration in public, voluntary, and education sectors. yes
Jim Web design/UI; Photoshop, xhtml, css, hand coding, w3 standards, SEO Web Development, Emerging technologies, SEO, Design and Layout yes
Thomas Archaeology, European Prehistory, Geomatics,   yes
Alice Science communication theory. Something other than science communication theory. yes
Cathrine Design, interactions, nanotechnology, ice cream Astronomy, programming yes
Michel Explaining science to non-experts / Some basic experience in web design from school days(www.fest.de.tf (not updated since 2004 and lost the server login - hence the empty links anddisplay flaws) web design / development / history yes
fatima General science! Astronomy... yes
Stuart Astronomy   yes
Natalie I know a lot about illustration, and i'm fascinated by the cosmos! Wed design and astronomy! yes
Adam Actionscript, PHP, Javascript, Databases, UI Design, Astronomy, History/Content yes
Tony Informal Science Education (museums), Astronomy, some scripting years back (IDL, matlab) Web design/development,  no :(


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